Factor V Leiden

The SMART SNP FVL Direct Kit (code SNDP-030) provides an in vitro diagnostic system used for allelic discrimination of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) G1691A in the human gene encoding Coagulation Factor V (Leiden), in samples of:

  • Whole blood collected in tubes with EDTA, Heparin, or Sodium Citrate;
  • Genomic DNA extracted from whole blood samples collected in tubes with EDTA, Heparin, or Sodium Citrate.

The kit is used in conjunction with the SMART SNP Coagulation Factors POSITIVE CONTROL (code SNPD-CF CTRL): a positive amplification control, consisting of heterozygous plasmid DNA for Coagulation Factors II and V, and for the MTHFR 677 enzyme.

  • Compatible with both FRESH and FROZEN whole blood
  • Blood collected in tubes containing all types of anticoagulants
  • Single THERMAL CYCLE for all SMART SNP products
  • High analytical throughput: up to 280 samples/day
  • Reduced time and cost (no extraction required)
  • Fast and easy to use (only 3 steps in the protocol)
  • High Stability
  • CE/IVD marking
CodeProduct NameMarking TypeFormatTipology
SNPD-030SMART SNP FVL Direct KitCE/IVD96 reactionsReal-Time PCR kit
SNPD-034SMART SNP FII FVL Direct KitCE/IVD96 reactionsReal-Time PCR kit
SNPD-CF CTRLSMART SNP Coagulation Factors POSITIVE CONTROLCE/IVD24 runsQualitative Positive Control
SNPD-SDSmart SNP Sample DiluentCE/IVD2 x 100 mLDiluent