Sars CoV-2
The SensiQuant SARS-CoV-2 products are designed for the QUALITATIVE detection and QUANTITATIVE measurement of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. This system is suitable for diagnosing severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by SARS-CoV-2 using nasopharyngeal swabs and raw lysate samples from nasopharyngeal swabs.*
The product line includes:
- SensiQuant Master Mix
- SensiQuant Standard (from 10^5 to 10^2 copies)
- QUALITATIVE Analysis = the kit allows for 480 single determinations for N1, N2, ORF1ab* and RP RNA, including controls. Up to 460 patients can be analyzed in single format across 5 analytical sessions, corresponding to 92 patients per session.
- QUANTITATIVE Analysis = the kit allows for 480 single determinations for N1, N2, ORF1ab* and RP RNA, including controls. Up to 450 patients can be analyzed in single format across 5 analytical sessions, corresponding to 90 patients per session.
- One-Step Technology
- Linear Range (1,000,000 - 10 copies N1/N2 and ORF1ab*)
- High specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy
- High reproducibility (intra- and inter-assay)
- Fast and easy to use
- High Stability
- CE/IVD marking